WHEN – 27/09 – 01/10 October 2018
WHERE – Krusevo
*15 guest speakers (representing EU institutions, local and national institutions, civil society and media), 60 young leaders from the region and Europe and at least 30 guests*
In September 2018, the 16th International Youth Conference “European Values for the Future of SEE countries” will take part. This conference was firstly developed in 2003 and during this period, a significant progress was made over 16 years in the region. Striving towards answering the questions “Will 2018 be a year of opportunity for the region?”, here in the Balkans, apart from the country-specific issues, experts observing the region have identified a number of trends, such as erosion of democracy, fast-rising nationalist sentiments, and external influences based on the global geopolitical movements, corrupted political elites, difficulties in implementing rule of law, all of which, require a priority action. The challenge lies, therefore, in speeding up the enlargement process, but without compromising the quality of reforms. Hereby, young people are important key figures for tise important process in the region.
The event is organized by Youth Alliance-Krusevo supported by Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, sponsored by Germany and CIVICA Mobilitas program, in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
The application form is available on their web site and the application deadline is 25th of August, 2018. Regarding the selection criteria, the applicant’s background and interest for participation in the conference will be of great importance. One of the most relevant selection principle will be their opinions reflected in the essay as well as demonstrated dedication towards the multiplication of the conference results.
IYC is providing 58 participants from 16 SEE countries with an opportunity to attend the conference with a full bursary (no participation fee; 100% meals and accommodation costs and 80% of the travel costs). “Early birds” will have much more opportunity to attend the conference with full bursary. On the other hand, there will be a chance for participation on the conference with participation fee for all suitable candidates with a range of backgrounds, skillsets and nationalities.
Detailed information regarding the conference can be found on the project web site (http://krusevoconference.org.